Management Team

Management Team


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Management Team Director:

Kathy Granger


The Management Team Director oversees all the administrative functions of the chorus, schedules and runs meetings of the Management Team and the Annual chorus meeting.
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Artistic Director:

Alan Scott


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Finance Team Director:

Rosanne Yu


The Finance Team Director oversees all financial functions of the chorus including collecting member dues, paying our dues to Sweet Adelines International and other organizations with which we affiliate, seeking sponsorships and grants, and maintaining the financial records of the organization.
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Membership Team Director:

Carla Clements


The Membership Team Director oversees all aspects of chorus activities that relate to our members. This includes recruitment, attendance, social activities, and membership development.
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Outreach and Education Director:

Karen Blinkinsop


The Outreach and Education Director oversees our educational and community outreach programming. She works with our bookings manager and members to select opportunities that further our mission to provide quality performance to the local area. She also oversees the educational programming that we provide in local schools in support of our mission to educate in the art of a cappella singing.

More details about this position
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Marketing Team Director:

Julie Scott


The Marketing Team Director is responsible for the public "brand" of the chorus.  She and her team will manage our Email advertisement as well as our social media accounts. She is the one to whom you can make suggestions regarding our public persona as an organization.

More details about this position

Music Team


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Artistic Director:

Alan Scott


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Assistant Director:

Sherri North

As Assistant Director, Sherri acts on behalf of the Artistic Director and at her/his direction. She is part of the music team, and as such aids in the selection of repertoire as well as the teaching and directing of the music. She may stand in for the Artistic Director in rehearsals or performances in the event that the Artistic Director is unavailable.
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Tenor Section Leader:

Pam Consoli

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Lead Section Leader:

Marian Hijkoop

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Baritone Section Leader:

Karen Blinkinsop

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Bass Section Leader:

Julie Scott


Primary Chorus Administration


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General Chorus Contact:

Kathy Granger


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Information and Tickets contact:

Kathy Granger


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Booking Manager:

Karen Blinkinsop


The Booking Manager is the first point of contact for anyone wishing to have Coachella Acappella perform.
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Website Manager:

Velma Wagner


This is your chorus sister who helps maintain our website. Feel free to send constructive suggestions, knowing that your ideas will be reviewed by the web manager and management team for viability and consistency with the website's overall direction. We reserve the right to implement suggestions or not based on that review. Thank you for your passion for this organization!